Sometime I really think

Sometime I really think my life is a case study for Murphy's Law. Whenever I think things can't get much worse, they do.

I know some insanely chipper people who tell me,"Don't think that way! Life is what you make it! There is no such thing as luck!" To them I say, "Bull!" Try walking in my shoes for a while, and you may also find yourself believing that luck has something to do with it. Some people catch all the breaks, while others just get broken. I know some people who can't win for losing.

For those of ou who find that outlook to be horribly bleak and nihilistic, I will remind you that I and an optimistic pessimist. The glass is definately half-empty, but I am holding out for a refill. (It's just that the waitress is taking her sweet time.)

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This page contains a single entry by Kayjayoh published on April 2, 2002 6:59 PM.

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