Why on earth do I keep getting hits from Google searches for "Lukifer"? I don't get it, I really don't. Yes, it is one letter away from "Lucifer" and it makes a great nickname for people named "Luke". Yet somehow it never would have occured to me that this would make for a popular search topic. "Britney Spear's breasts", yes. "Lukifer", no. Go figure.
Why on earth do
Why on earth do I keep getting hits from Google searches for "Lukifer"? I don't get it, I really don't. Yes, it is one letter away from "Lucifer" and it makes a great nickname for people named "Luke". Yet somehow it never would have occured to me that this would make for a popular search topic. "Britney Spear's breasts", yes. "Lukifer", no. Go figure.