A couple weeks ago, I went to the Elvehjem (pronounced like L-V-M) Museum on a Sunday afternoon. I went there all the time when I was a student, and even worked in their darkroom for a semester and a summer. Since graduating and moving out of the downtown, I have gone there a lot less, and I wanted to see what was going on.
One of the special exhibitions was Contemporary Studio Case Furniture: The Inside Story. It featured very cool looking art furniture pieces, many pf which were cabinets.
One pieces I saw made me stop and return to it repeatedly. It was called "Keeper of Memories" by an artist named Brian Wilson. It was a giant, wood and metal angel, with a chest of drawers in the center. It was beautiful and spooky, and made me think of Neil Gaiman's story Neverwhere. Unfortunately, search as I might, I can't find a single link to and image of it, or any info on the artist. I guess the fact the artist has the same name as a Beach Boy might be a factor in hindering me. (Also, there is the possibility that no such thing exists on line at this time. Not everyone is on the Net, though it sometimes seems like it.)