Goody! More survey results. This was the 5th survey in the series. It was taken in January of 2002.
David Johns wrote:
When I grow up, I want to be young, naive and careless.
Carl Klinger wrote:
...... I will most likely be scolded for not acting my age. Of course, I was
scolded of that my entire life, leading one to wonder,"At what age will I
fit properly"? I prefer not to act, but to promote action.
Patti Segerson wrote:
"When I grow up..."
I want to be a grown-up with the heart of a child. I
want to be a wife, a mother and a good friend to all.
I want to make a difference. Someday, hopefully I
Gretchen Olson wrote:
When I grow up....
I'll own a table. A big oak farmhouse table that I can sit my entire family around. Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents. We can play cards, eat a kids can study or play with modeling clay. This table will get passed around my family for generations, until it becomes known as Grandma Gretchen's Table.
Little Bird wrote:
"When I grow up..."
"I'll be stable. When I grow up I'll turn the tables." Garbage.
Oh, but you said sentence and not quote. So when I grow up I'll be taller and have longer hair and when I move I'll have to carry a footlocker full of all the journals that helped me get over things enough to the point that I could grow up around them.
So, in short, when I grow up I'll be stable. Er. I'll be stable-er.
Katherine Olson wrote:
I want to be 6 years old. (Or at least feel like it.)
Akira Barnes wrote:
"...I want to be happy with my life and the state of the world."
David Meldman wrote:
"When I grow up...I want a good night's sleep and the ability to afford a
consistent supply of scotch."
Anandi Gandolfi wrote:
grow up nothing... It's NEVER too late to have a happy
Kerri Flippin wrote:
When I grow up I want to be an old woman...
(I stole this from Michelle Shocked)