It really burns me

It really burns me when pro-lifers come out as being anti-contraception. Excuse me, but doesn't it make sense to eliminate abortion by reducing demand? Reducing demand by preventing the pregnancy in the first place?

I understand that religious types feel that sex outside of marriage is just plain wrong and should never ever happen. However:

1. There are *gasp* married people who make use of contraceptives to prevent pregancies. Many people don't want and couldn't support more than two or three kids. That is why they call it "family planning".

2. Ok, so you say sex outside of marriage is wrong. You say abortion is wrong. Well, lying, cheating, anger, envy, etc. are also considered sinful. According to my lessons in Christian doctrine, one sin is as bad as another in God's eyes. Pick your battles. Is it more important to you to stop abortions, or is it more important to you to keep everybody in chastity belts. If you could only get one, would it be the lives of the babies, or the hanky panky?

Here's my advice. Let go of the abstinence only thing. Let contraception, and decent sex education be readily available to everyone. Let contraceptives be affordable and easy to get. Encourage their use. Watch the demand for abortions shrink to almost nothing. Some people will choose to abstain. Some people won't. Isn't half a loaf better than none at all?

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