Next up: When Art Students from Wisconsin Go Bad.
The father of the chief suspect in the string of post box pipebombs says he thinks his son, " just trying to make a statement about the way our government is run. I think Luke wants people to listen to his ideas. Not enough people are hearing him and he thinks this may help." Ah yes, violence always helps. Sure, people hear what you have to say, but will they listen when you've shown yourself to be a violent nutjob?
Here's an idea for any would-be terrorist who "just want someone to listen." Start a weblog. Make it interesting. Put your ideas out in a peaceful, world wide forum. It doesn't cost anything. Blogger is free (as are others), and if you don't have a computer you can go to the library....hell, if you can come up with materials for a bomb, I'm sure you can find some net access. You might have to do a bit of work to get readers (coherent writing, for one) but it will happen eventually. If what you have to say is worth hearing, you can find an audience. It won't hurt anyone, and it won't get you arrested.
"The United States strives to provide freedom for their people. Do we really have personal freedom? I've lived here for many years, and I see much limitation," the letters said.
"Do you people enjoy this trend of limitation? If not, change it!"
"As long as you are uninformed about death you will continue to say 'how high,' when the government tells you to 'jump.' As long as the government is uninformed about death they will continue tell you to 'jump.' Is the government uninformed about death, or are they pretending?" "
Personal freedom, you say? Personal freedom is great, but it does not include the right to physically hurt other people. Six people have been injured. What if someone were killed? Uninformed about death? Look at yourself first.
Note: He may go to school in Wisconsin, but he's from Minnesota. Just for the record.