Ok, due to a

Ok, due to a number of factors, my posting has been taking on a somewhat negative tone of late. So, here is a ten positive things post:

1. I already have a work assignment for Monday.

2. I got to see Streets Without Cars today for free, and it was quite good.

3. I found a Korean job posting for one month in summer, rather than a whole year.

4. Bananas are only $0.29/lb at Kwik Trip.

5. My sister really likes her new job.

6. My dental work has stopped hurting.

7. I have dental insurance.

8. I still have most of a chocolate orange (nummy) from Easter.

9. My checkbook is balanced.

10. I am halfway through spotting photos for my new online show.

OK, so none of that is earth-shatteringly grand, but it really is the little things in life that make it good.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Kayjayoh published on May 12, 2002 5:34 PM.

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