Ouch. Today the mail contained not one but *two* pieces of bad news. Not only did I get a "regret to inform" letter from one of the places to which I had applied and interviewed for a job, but my state taxe refund should up, and due to my last idiot landlord being unable to properly follow instructions on the rent certificate I needed him to fill out, my refund was half of what I had been expecting. Still, I guess I should be grateful for that half a loaf.
Ouch. Today the mail
Ouch. Today the mail contained not one but *two* pieces of bad news. Not only did I get a "regret to inform" letter from one of the places to which I had applied and interviewed for a job, but my state taxe refund should up, and due to my last idiot landlord being unable to properly follow instructions on the rent certificate I needed him to fill out, my refund was half of what I had been expecting. Still, I guess I should be grateful for that half a loaf.