The people who laid me off on 9-13-01 called today, asking if I could come back and work for them a in June.
Now, I was laid off ahead of two people who had not been in the department as long as I (one of who had a tendency to slack off and make costly mistakes). I was also the only person in the department that hadn't used my vacation time--I'd put off taking it so that others could take theirs, and so as not to disrupt the production schedule.
I asked when they wanted me. I was told 6 hr shifts, mornings and weekends. Well. I said, I won't do weekends and I need an 8 hr shift for it to be worth my time. OK, 8hrs, no weekends. Could you work a 6-2 shift. I just laughed. No way in hell. I might work an 8-4 but I won't be very happy. I want 9-5. Ok, we will talk it over, and I'll call you back on Monday.
If they offer it to me on Monday, I am going to demand last year's vacation time and reinstatement of my insurance. Yes, I am being picky, economy blah blah blah, but I feel little loyalty to them now. I did, once. Not anymore. For what they pay to do a phyically demanding and chemically hazardous job (not to mention boring), I could get a number of boring jobs that didn't require heavy lifting. I am making much more than that right now, as a teacher. So I thinkI can afford to make them cough it up.
Basically, they dumped me. Now if they want me back, they had better be prepared to give me a dozen long stem roses and a night on the town. (Metaphorically speaking, of course.)