This is my favorite

This is my favorite photo of my brother. It was taken late last summer while standing on the fire escape of the theater which is his second home. (Not the first time I've taken a photo while battling a fear of heights; won't be the last, either.)

We had a really great afternoon taking his senior pictures. The weather was hot but not too humid. The sky was clear and blue. It was in the middle of a weekday, so there were few people to get in our way. It was still about a week before September 11th, so everyone was pretty relaxed.

My brother and I don't know each other that well. At least, not as well as we each know my sister. I am six years older than him, and I didn't live at home for most of high school. Sometimes it feels like we need to do some catching up. However, we both were raised with a similar sense of humor and an appreciation for the bizarre. We like alot of the same things, and that goes a long way.

Of course, Janson gets along with almost everybody. Amazing as it may seem, that dorky little kid that he once was grew up into one of the coolest people I know.

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This page contains a single entry by Kayjayoh published on May 16, 2002 9:18 PM.

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