Tonight was Gallery Night,

Tonight was Gallery Night, so I headed over to a studio group, and spent a good part of the night wandering through the gallery and studios. There was so much to look at, and so many people to talk to (not to mention so much free food to snack upon) that is really was the high point of my week.

I have been discovering, through Gallery Nightand yesterday's art teaching assignment, that I have an almost physical jones to make art. Not just photos, but paintings and drawings, and sculpture. What I really want to do is immerse myself in the stuff, they way I did for the last two years of college. For two straight years I lived and breathed art. I wasn't limited to any one medium, but was even required to do a bit of this and a bit of that. I had assignments, feedback, fellow artists, time, and the university facilities. They were probably two of the best years of my life so far.

I love art. I love the smell of art and art supplies. I love the organized chaos of art studio clutter. I love making something that no one else has made.

There was a piece of grafitti on a bathroom wall in the art department when I was in school that read, "Time. Space. Money. Pick two." I have none of the above. My "studio" is squished into my bedroom, and will be getting even smaller when I move. Time I could have, if I were able to forgo work or sleep. That isn't true. I could make more time, and I will have to. But it is going to be a close shave. there is a joke. At the moment I am debating the merits of buying food. I guess that is why artists are called "starving".

I think after money, space is the biggest factor right now. Not only do I need space in which to work and keep my supplies, but I also must house art projects that are finished or in progress. What to do with finished work? My apartment doesn't need that much decor. People get a little tired of receiving art presents for every occasion. Selling it seems to be the impossible dream. So I must store it or toss it. Yikes!

I am suddenly realizing how sleepy I am. This entry is becoming more rambling and less coherent by the minute. Needless to say, it will take some thought to sort out my art dilemma. (As with all my other dilemmas I welcome any suggestions.


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This page contains a single entry by Kayjayoh published on May 4, 2002 12:06 AM.

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