Whataday. Last night I


Last night I set my alarm for 6am (yuck) and crawled into bed. My teaching assignment was for a 7:45 school across town, meaning that I had to be there by 7:30, and leave my house by 7:15 at the latest.

Around 3AM I woke up coughing and weezing. (I'd like to know when and why my athsma got this bad. For years, I took my inhaler only when involved in heavy excercise (ie. distance running). Sleeping was not weeze inducing.) Took a puff of albuterol, went back to sleep. (Oh yeah, baby. Nothing like a stimulant to help one sleep.)

Woke up in the morning without the alarm. Dim light. It was either very early or quite cloudy. Rolled over and checked the time. Blink. Blink. Blink. Ok, the power seems to have shut off sometime last night. Got up. Checked the watch on my dresser. 7:25. Bloody hell.

I impressed myself. I was dress, teeth and hair brushed, breakfast and lunch grabbed and out the door by 7:30. Let's hear it for adrenaline. I called the school and let them know I was running late and why. I was to have a class on 1st and 2nd graders. Couldn't let them be left unsupervised.

Fortunately, the teacher was going to be in the building all day, doing kindergarten screenings. She took the class through the opening routine. Everyone was very gracious. (There were also sweet rolls in the teachers lounge in the morning, and a very nummy lunch provided to all the teachers that after noon. Ah yeah.)

The class was great, and there wasn't much to do. The teacher and I saw each other a few times during the day. She is retiring this year. She has taught for over 34 years. Seventeen of that was as a sub in this very school district, so she could empathize. Great woman. She also gave me a copy of a Cinderella storybook that I saw and remembered fondly from my own childhood.

After school, I went to a Planned Parenthood meeting. I am going to be (wo)manning an info table at a local farmers' market one Saturday a month this summer. We learned about how to answer questions, sign people up for newsletters, and deal with protesters.

Finally, a nice half hour swim. I love to swim and can backstroke forever. Of course, I have a weird backstroke style, and have never seen anyone else swim like me. But it works, and I can't argue with that. (The usual way makes my shoulders pop.)

Now I just have to battle the computerized bitch on the subfinder line to find out where I work tomorrow.

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This page contains a single entry by Kayjayoh published on May 8, 2002 10:45 PM.

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