I am terribly giddy with anticipation for the release (audio and book) of Neil Gaiman's Coraline. Not only have I loved everything I have ever read of his, but he thinks it is the best thing he has ever written. Goody. Mousecircus.com is also absolutely beautiful, with excerpts from the book (with text and audio--it is interesting to see the subtle contrasts between the two. The text seems to be UK, while the audio is US. Small vernacular differences like chips vs. french fries. I've read and watched enough British pop that I catch the meanings, but I guess it does help some people.) and cool flash animations. They do warn that children experience the book as an adventure, but that it gives adults nightmares. It still remains to be seen, but I have a feeling that I will find it to be an adventure.
As much as I adored American Gods, Neverwhere remains my favorite of his solo novels. I have a feeling that Coraline may be its rival.