A series I did

A series I did based on a small segment of a photo. As a whole, the photo itself was a bust....too dark and badly composed. However, this one face stood out. The first thing I ever did with it was a pen and ink drawing back in art school. It was small (maybe 6x14?) but one of the most laborious things I have ever undertaken for art, and one of the drawing of which I am most proud. (Unfortunately, I've already packed up the drawing, otherwise I'd scan it and post it here, too.) Now, having learned Photoshop, I decided to see what I could do with the photo itself. Not bad, IMHO. However, I'm not mearly so proud of them as I was of the drawing.

Lesson learned: good things can come from bad photos.

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This page contains a single entry by Kayjayoh published on July 27, 2002 8:18 PM.

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