I realize that I

I realize that I can sound very negative sometimes. I think this tendency comes from two things:

1. There is the "don't talk about the good things too much, or else you will jinx them" mentality.

2. I like to treasure up the good things, and think about them, but the bad things I ned to vent.

Of course, it can also be said that bad news is often more "interesting" than good. A peaceful, sunny afternoon may be more enjoyable, but and errupting volcano and a flash flood make for an exciting film.

However negativity can be tiresome. Starting tonight, I am going to work on a continuing series of posts on things I like, and what makes me happy. Sure, some of the crap and crabbiness will still show up, but maybe I will have some better balance.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Kayjayoh published on August 17, 2002 10:43 PM.

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