I went to the dentist this afternoon to have him finish my torture...er...my fillings. The work left my gums rather raw and swollen, so he gave me a prescription for Lortab to take before all the novacain wore off. Good thing, too, because I could tell it was going to be a doozy by the way it was throbbing through the numbness on the way home. Still *quite* tender, but thanks to the narcotics I am spared the huge whimper-inducing pain of the time before. However, so sleepy.
Is it just a bit ironic that the medication I am given to take while my mouth is still numb to stop my teeth from hurting is supposed to be taken with food and drink? I thought so. As a compromised, I mixed up a mug of chocolate milk (the only kindI can drink straight) and drooled it down. Kept a napkin handy, just in case.