Whoops #1:
The very first night in the new place, I walked solidly into a doorway in the dark on my way from the bathroom to the bedroom. Smacked my forehead quite soundly on the corner of the wood. Got a bit of a welt from that one. I keep a nightlight on, now.
Whoops #2:
Today I went down to my usual spot on the river for my 15 minute break. Sat down on one of the rocks that juts farther out into the water, and enjoyed the sun and the wind. As I stood to leave, I had a sudden head rush and began blacking out. I had just enough presence of mind to note that falling over right there would be a very bad thing, so I reached out for one of the rocks and managed to sit back down. As my blood pressure, vision, and balance returned to normal, I realized how close a call I'd just had. I need to remember to stand up s-l-o-w-l-y.