Total trick-or-treaters to visit me in my family oriented neighborhood: 2. Kids just don't come to apartment buildings.
Oh well, more candy for me.
Today is my little brother's birthday. As of today he is no longer a teenager. Rock on, Janson. Happy Birthday.
Tonight I could be going to a big-ass Halloween party at the Orpheum. It was way cool last year, and I know that is where my sibs will be. However, I think I am going to be a stick-in-the-mud and pass on it. Why? Driving. Drunks. Not that there will be people DUI (though there might be). There will, however, be hoards of drunk people walking around downtown. I don't relish the idea of driving amid hoard of drunken, costumed revelers. Hell, driving my creaky old cocharro at night ain't really fun on regular nights. If I could walk to the party, it'd be an entirely different story. I miss living downtown.
(OK, I don't miss the super high rent or the insane landlords, but isthmus living had its points.)