Work has been rough this week. Today and Monday were especially hard. I'm taking a sick day tomorrow.
I do have a legit physical excuse for calling in. During the course of the day, running around and trying to get everything done on time time, I managed to hurt both my left knee and right foot. Try limping when both legs are in pain; not a pretty sight. I don't really feel that more vigorous stair climbing tomorrow would be a good idea.
However, I also think tomorrow is a mental health day. I need to not be there. I love my job, I love the company I work for, I love the people I work with, but there are some situations that are really frustrating me at the moment. I don't know whatI can do to change them, and they aren't going to go away on their own. I'd rather not become a cranky, bitter person to my co-workers, so a bit of breathing space to heal my body and my mind is just what the doctor ordered.
Just one day.