Bitch. Cat. Shrew. All animal words used to describe women's behavior, usually as a derogatory thing.
I can handle being a bitch from time to time, even though it is the most no-no of the words. (Wash your mouth out young lady!) I like dogs. Being a bitch can, at times, mean that I am barking and snarling because I am the Alpha Female and you have just tried messing with my pack, or you've invaded my territory, or pissed in my cheerios. Whatever. Deal with it.
Bitch Magazine. Misanthropic Bitch. (The name does not lie on this one.) The Bitch Test. (I got 32%)
I try to avoid being catty. I'm not a big fan of cats, for one thing. Cattiness usually stems from insecurity. You see someone or something that makes you feel awkward, you out come the claws to make it go away. Granted, somethings are less catty than other. Privately pointing out someone else's extremely bad taste to one of your friends is a little catty. Making a comment about someone else's extremely bad taste to a group of your friends, followed by audible snickers and critical stares is pretty catty. Pointing out someone else's extremely bad taste in public, to a group of friends and strangers, followed by pointing and cackling and you are in need of a scratching post.
Not really catty, justCat Woman.
For my, shrewishness is the ulimate thing to avoid. To me, being a shrew entails shrillness, endless complaining, snappishness, ingratitude, etc. When I hear myself sounding harsh or harping, even if my grievance is legit, I have to make myself step back. Of course, sometimes it is hard to tell if I am beinging shrewish, or if I am just being oversensitive to my fear of being shrewish. Best not to over analyze, or things could get ugly and heads could explode.