Now this would be an interesting scenario.
Seriously, John McCain is about the only Republican I can respect. Back in 2000, during the primaries, I was intrigued by him and shocked and appalled to see him lose to Bush (is there a trend here?). I first learned his name in regards to the McCain-Feingold bill, and I liked him then.
By the time the primaries were held in Wisconsin, both McCain and Bradley had pretty much dropped out of the race, which really upset me. Why should voters in New Hampshire and Iowa get to pick whoI can vote for? I voted for Bradley anyway, just because. I had a daydream that McCain and Bradley would get together and run as independents. (Yes, silly pipe dream, I know.) I was extra disappointed when McCain finally gave his support to Bush, though I realized he had to play ball.
The predictions in the article seem like longshots, but I'd love to see it happen. I'd vote for McCain if he wasn't a Republican.