Yes, the Dubya and the monkey faces images have been around since the campaign, I believe. While the "ha ha, doesn't the silly, dumb guy look like the monkey?" bit is amusing, what amazes me is just the similarity between a person (any person) and a primate.
There is a Pat McCurdy song, " I Don't Come From No Monkey", which really captures the attitudes of many of the people I went to church and school with as a child. They were very firm about the fact that the world was 6,000 years old and no more. Evolution was completely out of the question. It Happened Exactly As It Was Written.
Now, I don't have a personal stand on the theory of evolution. It irks me just as much when someone tries to claim evolution as a proven fact as it does when a creationist starts thumping the Irrefutable Word. I definitely believe in a Designer, as the world...the too complex and wonderful for it to be accidental. I also believe that the Bible was written by men, over many many many years (never mind the possible translation errors) and makes a better spiritual guide than a scientific textbook.
And on that note, I'm off to bed.