Some birthday leftovers.
I attended the opening reception of the UW Art Dept. Quadrennial at the Elvejhem Museum. It was quite fun and I ran into a lot of my former professors (big surprise there). The hors d'oeuvres where not what they were at the last show in 1999, but the art certainly was up to scratch. I even "won a prize" at an installation piece. Now I have my very own screen print of a toy soldier. Joy is mine.
I enjoyed a wonderful dinner at the Sunroom Cafe. ended up without a birthday cake this year, but I was so full after dinner that it wasn't really an issue.
Finally, I topped off the night seeing Spirited Away once more, as it was playing at the Memorial Union Play Circle. Yippy!
By the by, there is no doubt: I am most definitely and Aquarius.