I've had quite a lovely weekend. Mostly lots of little nice things that stack up into a whole lot of nice. Yesterday the sun was shining and the air was pleasantly warm with just a hint of a breeze. Perfect weather for the Farmer's Market, where I tied helium balloons until my fingers were as green as the latex. Perfect weather for wandering down to the Terrace, where I ate discounted baked goods and read. Perfect weather for meandering up State Street, where I sat for an hour or so listening to Lou and Peter Berryman, playing as a part of the Folk at Four series. Perfect weather for dawdling around the Capitol, where I people watched and ate more baked goods.
Today was rainy, but in a good way. I got a lot done. Tomorrow is supposed to be drier, so I may be able to bike to work.
God bless this time of year.