
At this moment, I have one sponsor for the Blogathon. This sponsor is a wonderful and beautiful human being, and chose to sponsor me for $10. Very affordable, no? Certainly you could afford to sponsor me for $10. Heck, even $5 would be good. Every little bit helps, people. Remember, I'm going to be staying up for 24 hours straight searching for witty and interesting tidbits for your reading pleasure. In addition to my usual randomness, I will be featuring SEX for the day (well, sex, sexuality, and sexual health).

Why all the sex? Why not? Actually, it is because I am blogging to support Planned Parenthood. There are so many reasons to support Planned Parenthood. Many of those reasons can be found in their mission statement. Education, advocacy, health care...that's Planned Parenthood.

So anyway, I'd love it if you could and would sponsor me. Even $5 will go a long way. However, to sweeten the deal any pledge of $50 or more will receive a 5x7 print of a Wicked Women print, and any pledge over $100 will receive an 8x10 print.

You can pledge anonymously, you can pledge up to and during the 'thon, but please do pledge.

Thank you.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Kayjayoh published on July 11, 2003 8:51 PM.

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Greyscape is the next entry in this blog.

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