I have been posting very little lately, mostly because I'm in a holding pattern. Very little time to post, but also very little new things worth posting. The direction of the blog has changed in the past few years, do in part to changes in my life, in part do to having written a lot of the "Big Things" already, and in part because I now know that people I know (ie, my family) are reading this. Add to that the fact that I'm not the world's most comfortable writer, and things will slow down.
But I'm not abandonning this. Not by any means. I just have to sort out what I want to blog, and then get my fingers to the keyboard. I still need a place to make myself write, to keep myself in practice for a discipline that I dislike.
It is funny to me, just slightly. I love to read. I adore a well-turned phrase and soak up the written word like a sponge. However, I am a visual person, and words don't come to me easily. They always feel awkward and unwieldy. I use cliches. I punctuate randomly. I don't edit as well as I should. But even if this is a trumpet I play poorly, I know that it is better to keep playing than to leave it in the case. I just need to figure out what music I want to play.