Three episodes in, and I am immensely enjoying the BBC's newDr. Who which has been airingon SciFi. I'm particularly loving Chris Eccelston as the Doctor, and I know I will be a wee bit bummed when the inevitable change of Doctors happens.
March 2006 Archives
For some reason, Movable Type is becoming troublesome. It makes me log in all the damn time. Plus, I never have been able to make any of the spam-reduction things work like they should. So the temptation is very strong to get a newer version of MT.
On the other hand, I remember how much of a pain it was to change from Blogger to Movable Type, and to get MT set up an working. It makes me feel kind of lazy.
Similarly, my photos (at) irvingplace (dot) net address gets almost nothing but tons of spam. I'm trying to decide what would be more of an effort--get some real spam fighting software or abandonning the address and changing my business cards.
Inertia must be my middle name.
When I was a kid, my sister and a friend and I were playing, and somehow the phrase "eating in the dark is fun" came into being. I don't remember the exact circumstances, but I vaguely recall the notion that it had something to do with candlelit dinners. The phrase stuck with us for a while--"Eating in the dark is fun!"
Ladies and gentleman: eat ing the dark.
I was very relieved to discover that, after all the dire preditions of 5-8 inches, most of the snow was melting when it hit the ground. There was a big pile on my car, and the roads are certainly sloppy, but nothing like we had feared.
Happy WIAA tournament weekend, kids.
Over the past few months, every time I made asparagus or celery, I saved all the leftover bits in the freezer. Yesterday, I finally had enough to cook up some vegetable stock. I added some dried onion, garlic, pepper, and bay leaves. Now I'm freezing it in the ice cube trays and saving the cubes in freezer bags, so that I will have a nice, easy to use supply for the future.
Considering that I have also started to make my own bread, I'm feeling like I'm making some decent strides towards healthy eating and smaller grocery bills.
Film Fest time is just around the corner. Are you as excited as I am?