X-Men: The Last Stand

For Memorial Day, I went to see X-Men: The Last Stand and I must say I enjoyed myself. I am enough of a fan of the comics to get excited about things like Kitty Pryde finally having a larger role in the film, and yet not such a purist that I feel the need to pick it apart in comparison to the comics. It was exciting and fun, and had a number of "Holy cow!" moments. Twas also nice to be able to ogle Hugh Jackman as Wolverine some more.

I do wish that some of the characters that had been introduced had been given more to do. Angel, for example, was kind of a blank. I also found myself missing Alan Cumming's Nightcrawler, though I imagine he was busy working on The Threepenny Opera. Not enough time to do Kurt Weil *and* Kurt Wagner. Another item on my wish list would have been much, much fewer lines from the eternally wooden Halle Berry. Also, according to IMDB's trivia page, Summer Glau auditioned for the part of Kitty Pryde. That would have been incredibly cool, though Ellen Page did a wonderful job. (On that line of "wouldn't it have been cool--imagine Joss Whedon direction an X-men movie.)

The last thing I have to say about the movie is that you really need to watch to the end of the credits. Sometimes the "cookie" at the end is just silly or cute, but this one is seriously worth the wait.

On other topics, a bit of link following on IMDB revealed to me that there is a Wolverine project in the works for next year, as well as an Ender's Game for 2008. Possibly very neat.

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This page contains a single entry by Kayjayoh published on June 1, 2006 2:12 AM.

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