Andrew Brodhead's "Floating" series is one of the coolest, creepiest things I have seen in weeks.
His images are amazing on their own, and allow you to apply your own narratives to it. At the same time, his statement on them also makes complete sense (this can be a rarity in artists' statements):
Visually, I want to convey the sacrifice we have made by our consumption and waste. The wrapped bodies represent invasive cocoons floating over vulnerable landscapes.
One of the things I particularly love about this series, aside from how hauntingly beautiful (and sinister) they are, is that the floating bodies are not a series of obviously female bodies. To the contrary, some of them are obviously male. This is not an episode of CSI. Exclusively female bodies would have given it an edge that would have turned me right off.
You should go visit his site. It's seriously worth a look.
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